Welcome L A P E E R C O U N T Y , M I C H I G A N Welcome L A P E E R C O U N T Y , M I C H I G A N L A P E E R C O U N T Y , M I C H I G A N Planning Commission The Mayfield Township Planning Commission is a seven-member board, which oversees planning and development within the township by creating a comprehensive land use plan, commonly known as the M aster Plan . The commission reviews and acts on all rezoning requests, special land use requests, non-residential site plans, and subdivision development plans. They are guided by both the Mayfield Township Master Plan and the Z oning Ordinance . The Mayfield Township Planning Commission conducts public hearings prior to acting on any rezoning or special land use requests. Notices of such hearings are posted at the township hall, published in a local newspaper and mailed to property owners within 500 feet of the subject property.
Planning Commission Meeting Dates
Jayme Crossen
Chris Maasch
Chuck Hiner
Clint Knoblock
Diane Flis-Schneider
Joy Boots
James David Hughes
Board Meetings are held at 5:30 PM at the Township Hall. |